Manifest Your Soul's Desires: Q & A with Ann

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Q. Why did you decide to join/commit? Or what inspired you to fully commit and join? 

I met Brona at the THRIVE Conference last year. I went to a session she was giving and I was blown away.

When I approached Brona after the conference and said to her I didn’t know what my purpose was or what I was called to do.  Her gentle and caring presence made me feel safe and secure and eager to join her course. I knew then she was my earth angel and I was thrilled to get involved with her work. 

 What really appealed to me about program was the balancing the Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual aspects of me to create balance in me. 


Q. Which above aspects of the program REALLY worked for you? Which did you ENJOY? 

To be totally honest, everything worked for me.  I decided to give 100% and by doing so I got back 100% and more.  I was on top of things from the beginning and always did my homework and stuck to the long version of the Kiriya. I rarely missed a session. It was fantastic.

Q. What suggestions/ideas do you have for improving the program/materials/ participant experience?

I had no problem doing the written work and the audios.  

I did have to make time to do them and I needed to do them in my own personal space and it just worked for me.

I needed to do them as they came in and that’s why it worked for me. I stayed on top of things and it really helped me to date and number the pdfs when they came in and put them in plastic folders and keep them in a folder, so they were in order.  

I also brought A4 hardback books with a label on each one for – Springcleaning/journalling/affirmations etc.


Q. What was the number one thing you struggled with and the number one thing you deeply desired upon joining Manifest? 

I struggled with living, I deeply desired happiness.

Q. What were you looking to receive from the program? 

 A new life.

Q. What personal challenges /issues/ blocks came up for you on the program and how did these play out alongside the program? 

I got to realise what my core shadows were, the main one being sadness and grief. I got to realise what my core desires were the main one being happiness and what the program did for me was to face the blockages that were stopping be attaining my desires and the program propelled me and gave me the confidence to do something about it.


Q. What, for you personally, were your biggest stand out moments/ turnarounds/ AHA moments on the program? 

The biggest stand out moment for me was taking the hot seat and sharing with the group that I had a problem, that I needed/ asked for their help and support, and got it.


Q. What sparked the above - was it a particular class, something Brona/Gayle said, a chakra, an exercise, a moment, a call, an email or a hot seat?

 It was having done most of the programme, learning so much about myself in it.  Having two fabulous facilitators Brona and Gayle who genuinely cared about each individual and the fabulous group who were so honest and supportive.

Q. What have been your greatest overall wins/accomplishments/results from participating in the program? 

I am confident and assertive. I learned to embrace my shadows and allow my desires to welcome them in when they need minding.


Q. What inner results have you noticed/accomplished as a direct result of the program? 

I am a new woman and I got what I asked for - a new life. I am a more relaxed and comfortable person in my own skin.*99 

I was a very nervous anxious sad person. I am a hospital chaplain and I felt I was not able to do my job because I was not caring for myself. The program allowed me to turn that all around.


Q. What outer results can you see as being a direct result of the program? 

I am happy. I am physically fit and healthy. I feel I am balanced emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually and a number of my friends and work colleagues have commented on how well I look and how relaxed I look.

 I went from being an emotionally wreck who could not put one foot in front of the other to being an empowered, confident, assertive woman content with her life. 

I am a new woman. I am physically well and go for a walk every day.  I do my yoga everyday and consider myself to be fit and healthy.  I don’t drink alcohol. I gave up coffee aswell and drink a lot of herbal teas. My energy levels are very good and I enjoy my work very much.  I have learned to self care and meditate daily.

Thank you Brona and Gayle for a fantastic Program.  You both are what made it.  It is a fantastic program. Well done.


Hi Brona,

What can I say that the others have not already said? You are one in a million. I am so grateful that I met you at the THRIVE Conference last year. I went to a session you were giving and I was blown away. I met you afterwards and you were so kind and helpful. I knew then you were my earth angel and I was thrilled to get involved with the programme. It has changed my life completely. I am now a woman who is comfortable in my own skin. I have manifested all the desires I requested at the start of the programme and I have learned to embrace my shadows and welcome them in when they surface and when they will surface in the future. I am so grateful to you both and to every person in this programme. We were meant to be together, to be there for each other. I send you all love, light, prayers and healing, joy and happiness and will continue to do so everyday. Take care love Ann x

Thank you to each and everyone of you. I am at this point because of our journey together and I am so appreciative of that. I will each day send you love, light, prayers and healing, joy and happiness..


Brona Malone