The beauty of the Power In You Approach™ is that it meets you wherever you’re at. It’s a gentle, yet powerful approach which holds space for deep inner exploration that creates RESULTS.
We clear and allow space for your heart and soul to lead and the process takes on a life of its own as sessions are very much guided by your Higher Self, your spiritual dream team and the Divine.
There’s no forcing yourself to ‘do’ anything in this process.
It’s an inside out approach where we move according to your own soul’s rhythm and path.
Moving forward feels good and natural.
Action is taken from a place of feeling like you can’t not move forward, because we have dissolved your inner blocks and you have created a crystal clear, inside out vision that is now leading and guiding you.
Tap into your Spiritual Power to feel alive, inspired, magnetic, joyful & illuminated with truth.
Time to set your soul on fire and become un-knockable, un-shakeable and un-stoppable.
Shift from ‘I don’t know' to crystal clear clarity and certainty.
Feel a deeper connection to your soul’s purpose, gifts, potential and path.
Listen and be guided by your inner voice, intuition and inner compass.
Get deep and Divine with desire and design. Create an Inside Out Vision and intentionally claim what your soul deeply desires with your clarity.
Clarity of your mission / soul aligned business & offerings / creative project.
Clarity of of who you are called and be and what you are called to offer.
Get anchored in the truth of you really are (v’s getting caught up in other’s people’s needs, wants & desires.)
Tap into into your Mental Power to feel present, focused, free, peaceful and calm.
Time for the power of your mind to serve your illuminated soul.
Expand your awareness to see clearly the patterns of your lower mind, shadow mindset, stories and limiting beliefs.
Up root, let go, declutter and release fears, doubts and subconscious programming that cause struggle, chaos and confusion.
Make choices & decisions that are aligned with your vision, not your past.
Upgrade and heal your shadow mindset to align with your Higher mind, solutions and the Truth.
Re-direct your attention and untangle your energy away from drama, control and stress
Make peace with your past & befriend the future, so you are free to focus on what your soul deeply desires.
Tap into your Emotional Power to feel energised, vibrant, emotional stable and empowered.
Stop wearing your past in your energy field and creating what you don’t want.
It’s time to rewire this energy for your greatest and Highest good.
Re-connection of emotional body as this body tends to be suppressed and by-passed. You release the need to numb and dumb in whatever your preferred way is.
Transformation of your blocks into stepping stones, where the pull of all that holds you back becomes the power that propels you forward.
Dissolving, healing and transformation of the old. Letting go, untangling and release of old wounds, old parts of you, past experiences you would rather forget but can’t, patterns, people and (subconscious) false shadow identities that are holding you back.
Letting go and healing of anger, fear, anxiety, shame and guilt.
Healing patterns of self sabotage.
Plugging of personal energy/power leaks and healing of ‘energetic debt’ which directly results in a more effective use of your time, energy and resources. Say BUH bye to the busy fool.
All new levels of self love and self worth.
Creation of boundaries that serve you and your Highest path. You feel clearly into your ‘yes’ and your ‘no’.
Tap into your Physical Power to feel empowered, clear and accomplished.
Get so inspired that you can’t not take action and you move forward with ease.
Start living your desired outcomes and success.
Say bye to procrastination and power leaking habits. Replace with new nourishing habits from a place of inspiration and ease.
Take inspired action that serves you.
Create changes in your physical space and environment.
Gain a greater understanding of the mind/body connection so you can support yourself forward with the body’s wisdom.
Connect with the power of non action in your physical world. Begin to experience what I call True Divine Balance.
By signing up (it’s free), you’ll get access to my PIY Resource Library with free downloads, like worksheets, my top journaling exercises, free masterclasses and audio recordings to rewire your inner world.
You’ll also get invitations to any free, live workshops and circles that I host online.
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